


"Ongi etorri/Welcome" to the ABILKI* home cattery! Before arriving to their new homes, here Kittens will skillfully know (abilki in Basque language) at least one trick (trained with positive reinforcement)

Through the navigator bars above you will get all the information about the cattery, and about interesting complementary information.

If you haven't found your questions to be answered on the FAQs section, we will be pleased for having you reach us and we will try answering back the best we can.

Skillfully enjoy the visit to our website!

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Last news

Note: clicking on the blue titles of the news will take you into its content.

Planned Litters >>

Because of the breast cancer health issue of our female Haute, the search of our new male has been postponed even more. Therefore, his arrival and his future litters are now foreseen for the current year 2023.

Females: Haute and Larain >>

Because of the breast cancer unexpectedly discovered in Haute, her line (herself and her daughter, Larain) has been retired from the breeding program. The health and the wellbeing of our Abyssinians are always our priority.

Females: Haute. Females: Larain.

Things To Know & FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) >>

We hope you will find that the uploaded responses to the first 10 questions will be useful to comprehend what types of cats there are, where the Abyssinians cats fit and what to consider when searching for a cat to be brought home.We hope you will find that the uploaded responses to the first 10 questions will be useful to comprehend what types of cats there are, where the Abyssinians cats fit and what to consider when searching for a cat to be brought home.

Respuestas nuevas a PP.FF.

Previous news >>

Next activities

At this moment there is no foreseen activity.

Previous Activities >>

  1. Interviews >>
  2. Conferences & Courses >>
  3. Cat Shows >>
  4. Other >>
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FIFe breeder ® 2014-2024 .abilki. abyssinian cats
ASFE member ® since 2013
© 2014-2024 www.abilki.eus