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Microchip Search Engines in Europe

It coordinates registered microchip numbers of pets in a European level. By entering a microchip number in its search engine, it will tell in which State of Europe it is registered and it will provide a link and contact information of that registry institution.

When finding any lost pet (dog, cat or ferret), we encourage you to have it checked for a microchip by a veterinarian or a breeder owning a microchip reader, and to check whether any results is obtained in the search engine of this website.

All Abilki* Abyssinians are included in the official registry (even though in Euskadi only dogs are obligated to be so, thus, we need to use the Dog Registry for registering our cats), and we handle the needed official papers to the new owners so they can also register their new cat in the European registry institution from their place of residence.

The microchip search engine of Euskadi publicly provides the name of the pet and the contact information of its owner. It’s available in Basque and Spanish (but with a right-click of the mouse both versions can be translated into any other language).

Like in Euskadi, in some other places from Europe only dogs are required to be registered. However, in Abilki we encourage all cats to be registered as well, to facilitate a lot searching for it in the event of the cat getting lost anywhere in Europe.


Formerly known as the Feline Advisory Bureau (FAB) and created by the International Society of Feline Medicine (ISFM).

Their A-Z Health dictionary is very useful and easy to read!

Nice guidelines and illustrated explanations for cat diseases.

Their A-Z Health dictionary is very useful and easy to read!

Current ruling laws on trasnportation of animals within the European Union.

It provides a wide range of genetic tests for cats and explanations of each condition to be tested.

All its reports can be verified online here (it requires an account to log in. It’s free to create an account and to verify reports).

It provides a wide range of tests for many other sorts of animals as well. See here.

It does an intense research on cats and other animals. These are some of the interesting information they provide:

One of the most complete vet school in Europe, it does a lot of researches. It might provide with the most updated European contacts on cat issues that are not very understood yet.


The following veterinarians are specialized in cats and have provided us with a correct service:

Cat Associations

It is the largest cat body in the world with over 150 thousands breeders and exhibitors around the world. It is a well-organized incorporated and chartered society. All documents are produced in the only 3 official languages, English (EN), German (DE) and French (FR). FIFe Members can translate them into their languages, but in case of errors these translations have no ruling value.

It was founded in 1906 and it's the largest cat association in North America. It works closely with FIFe (Fédération Internationale Feline).

It is the second largest cat association of North America.

It is not as spread out. More than one club can directly apply for membership within the same state or country. "A member of WCF, whether a single club or a federation, acts independently in his business". Thus its organizations is not as cohesive and as well regulated as the other cat associations.

Books about Cats

Author:Darlene Arden

Publisher: Howel Book House

Language: EN

ISBN: 978-0-470-64167-5

Edition: 1st edition (2011)

A quite updated book about everything one needs to know about caring for a cat. Easy to read. A must for new cat owners!

Author:Josiane Thiriot

Publisher: De Vecchi

Language: ES (translation)

ISBN: 978-84-315-3815-6

Edition: 1st edition (2008)

A very good illustrated book about Abyssinian cats.

Egilea: Debra M. Eldredge, DVM

Publisher: Howell Book House

Language: EN

ISBN: 978-0-470-09530-0

Edition: 3rd edition (2008)

A very good feline veterinarian book for those that are not veterinarian. Information arranged to be found very easily.

Author: Pam Johnson-Bennett

Publisher: Penguin Books

Hizkuntza: EN

ISBN: 978-0-14-311979-1

Edition: 2nd edition (2011)

The best book to comprehend cat behavior. It might be a bit too thick for those not used to read in depth.

Author: Pam Johnson-Bennett

Publisher: Penguin Books

Language: EN

ISBN: 0-14-200475-8

Edition: 1st edition (2004)

A great perspective for those who have or will have more than one cat.

Author: Pam Johnson-Bennett

Publisher: Penguin Books

Language: EN

ISBN: 978-0-14-311250-1

Edition: 1st edition (2007)

A great book to comprehend and mend cat behavior issues.

Author: J. Anne Helgren

Publisher: Barron's

Language: EN

ISBN: 978-0-7641-6580-1

Edition: 2nd edition (2013)

Most helpful book for helping choose a cat breed. It contains a very complete description of each breed, and an awesome summary chart for each of them! These are must read chapters:

  • 2nd (What is a purebred?),
  • 9th (Which breed is right for you?)
  • and 10th (Choosing a Purebred Cat).

Author: Angela Rixon

Publisher: Wellfleet Press

Language: EN

ISBN: 978-0-7858-0364-5

Edition: 1st edition (1995), 2010.ean berrargitaraturik

In the 54 pages of the introduction chapters it explains awesomely brief all the fields about purebred cats. It contains an interesting mating versus birth expectancy chart. It has beautiful picture of cat breeds, but the explanations about each breed are too shallow.

Author: Bernard-Marie Paragon (...)

Publisher: Royal Canin

Language: ES (translation)

ISBN: Royal Canin

Edition: 1st edition (2011)

It is a book that had a big help from the Alfort Vet School of the EU state of France. It contains great drawings and sketches for illustrating cats’ physiognomy and genetics. IN the other hand, it is not a good book to help choosing a cat breed.

Author: Dan Rice, DVM

Publisher: Barron's

Language: EN

ISBN: 0-8120-9764-5

Edition: 1st edition (1997)

One of the best books for cat breeders.

Author: Carolyn M. Vella (...)

Publisher: BH (Butterworth-Heinemann)

Language: EN

ISBN: 978-0750640693

Edition: 4th edition (1999), 5th time reprinted in 2005.

An excellent and best book about cat genetics!

Books about Training and animal behavior

Author: Melinda Johnson

Publisher: Karen Pryor Clickentraining

Language: EN

ISBN: 978-1-890948-15-3

Edition: 1st edition (2004)

One of the best Clicker Book which perfectly explains where Clicker Training is placed among the other possible learning methods. Any animal trainer wil find the following chapters to be very interesting:

  • 4th (How Learning Takes Place),
  • 7th (Clicker Training basics),
  • 8th (Prop Behaviors)
  • and 9th (Non-prop Behaviors).

Author: Karen Pryor

Publisher: Scriber

Language: EN

ISBN: 978-0-7432-9776-9

Edition: 1st edition (2009)

Through narrations, trainer Karen Pryor explains the principles of clicker training and, as the pioneer on positive reinforcement training and inventor of the clicker training she is, she describes what she learnt from applying the technique to different animals.

Warning!: The book has a website full of additional audiovisuals for each chapter (www.reachingtheanimalmind.com ). It is not even mentioned in the version translated into Spanish!

Author: Karen Pryor

Argitaletxea: KNS Ediciones

Language: ES (translation)

ISBN: 978-84-937-4565-3

Edition: 1st edition (2011)

Through narrations, trainer Karen Pryor explains the principles of clicker training and, as the pioneer on positive reinforcement training and inventor of the clicker training she is, she describes what she learnt from applying the technique to different animals.

Warning!: The book has a website full of additional audiovisuals for each chapter (www.reachingtheanimalmind.com ). It is not even mentioned in the version translated into Spanish!

Author: Karen Pryor

Publisher: Karen Pryor Clicker Books

Language: EN

ISBN: 978-18-909-4807-8

Edition: 1st edition (2001)

A book to start training cats easily.

Author: Christine Hauschild

Publisher: CADMOS

Language: EN (translation)

ISBN: 978-0-85788-400-8

Edition: 1st edition (2011)

A book for integrally training cats.

Author: Peggy Tillman

Publisher: Karen Pryor Clicker Book

Language: EN

ISBN: 978-18-909-4808-5

Edition: 8th edition (2000)

A book for integrally training dogs.

Author: Karen Pryor

Argitaletxea: Sunshine Books

Language: EN

ISBN: 978-18-909-4804-7

Edition: 4th expanded edition (2000)

Biography of Karen Pryor at her time as a dolphin trainer.

Online Pet Shops or suppliers

ABiLKi cattery is not sponsored by any of them.

Wide range of sources about training.

Abyssinian breeder friends

All the following ones have helped us learn about Abyssinian cats and we are very thankful, even though sometimes we might have different criteria on breeding cats and Abyssinians.

Cattery Owner(s) Location
Faby-Cats Mette & Søren Odense (Denmark, EU)
Abylicius Lesley & Maurice Amsterdam (The Netherlands, EU)
Aucuparias Jan & Jan Stockholm (Sweden , EU)
Habashat Emilia & Masimo Milano (Italy, EU)
Highgait's Paws Mindy & Dave Clintondale (NY, US)
Meynac Nathalie Beylongue (France, EU)
Quodlibet Maria Gracia & Ricardo Milano (Italy, EU)
Raul Buho Raul Valencia (Spain, EU)
Solarian Chiara Milano (Italy, EU)

Other breeder friends

Cat Breed Cattery Owner(s) Location
BEN - Bengal Mageia Bengal Luisa & Domingo Motril (Spain, EU)
MCO - Main Coon HispanoCoon Hannelore Toledo (Spain,EU)
NFO - Norwegian Forest Nabatea Carol & Saul Logroño (Spain, EU)
RUS - Russian Blue Cornettos Fernando Irun (Basque Country,EU)
RUS - Russian Blue Kiksant Teresa & Moises León (Spain,EU)
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